Saturday, October 8, 2011

Russian President Grieving For Steve Jobs's departure

Moscow - The expression of grief for the death continue to flow founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev joined mourn the departure of Jobs, who calls the man who changed the world.

"People like Steve Jobs changed our world," writes the official account on Twitter Medvedev as reported by AFP news agency on Thursday (10/06/2011).

"My sincere condolences to the family and all who appreciate the intelligence and talent," added the official Medvedev Medvedev.

Jobs Medvedev has long been admired and often even quoting remarks icon Apple technology in a number of his speech. The Russian leader is known as a loyal Apple fans are often seen carrying iPad when government meetings and press conferences.

Medvedev and Jobs met at Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley, California Medvedev during a state visit to the United States in June 2010. At that time, Jobs gave a gift of a new iPhone for Medvedev.

Jobs died at age 56 after years of battling pancreatic cancer which he suffered. Computer and technology giant Apple announced the death of smartphones Jobs in a statement.

"Intelligence, passion and energy is the source of many innovations that later enrich and raise our standard of living. The world is much better because of Steve," explains Apple.

Jobs announced he was suffering from pancreatic cancer in 2004. During his lifetime, Jobs is known as one of the most prominent business leaders in the world and introduced a generation of iPods and iPhones in the world. His death only a day later after Apple released the new iPhone model, 4S.

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