Saturday, October 8, 2011

Grieving The World On The departure of Steve Jobs

The expression of grief for the death continue to flow founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. The expression of grief over the departure of Jobs proclaimed throughout the world.

Speech bemoan flow of world leaders. Apple users also expressed deep sorrow over the social jejarig.

The fan of Jobs and Apple are also all over the world flocked to the Apple Store to leave a memento. Brought mementos such as flowers, candles, or homemade greeting cards.

"I'm here to pay tribute to Steve Jobs, the man in the universe that led me to become an engineer," said Clarence, a laborer who worked for Intel in Washington, told AFP by AFP on Friday (10/07/2011) .

Jobs was 21 years old when he founded Apple Computer in 1976 with Steve Wozniak, who was then 26 years old. From humble beginnings, the company grew into one of the most valuable companies in the world.

U.S. President Barack Obama says Jobs has transformed lives. Obama also praised the Jobs that redefine the entire industry, and achieve one of the rarest achievements in human history. "He changed the way we each see the world," said Obama.

Microsoft boss Bill Gates who has been competing with the Jobs for decades, agrees with Obama. "The world rarely seen someone who had such profound impact that Steve had, the effect will be felt for generations to come," she says.

Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. Under Jobs, Apple introduced the first computer which was then given the name of the Macintosh, which became very popular in the 1980s. But he left Apple in 1985 after an internal power struggle and to found NeXT Computer.

He then founded the animation studio Pixar in 1986. These studios produce movies like "Toy Story".

Jobs rejoined Apple in 1996 with the purchase of NeXT company. Jobs went back to holding important positions at Apple.

Jobs change the Macintosh line, launched the "post-PC era" where personal computers began to be replaced with smart gadgets such as iPod, iPhone, and Ipod and iTunes site.

Jobs died at age 56 after years of battling pancreatic cancer which he suffered. Computer and technology giant Apple announced the death of smartphones Jobs in a statement.

"Intelligence, passion and energy is the source of many innovations that later enrich and raise our standard of living. The world is much better because of Steve," explains Apple.

Jobs announced he was suffering from pancreatic cancer in 2004. During his lifetime, Jobs is known as one of the most prominent business leaders in the world and introduced a generation of iPods and iPhones in the world. His death only a day later after Apple released the new iPhone model, 4S.

Now the big question hanging about Apple's future, with the spotlight on Tim Cook who replaced Jobs who resigned last August. Just a day before Jobs died, Cook led the launch of the iPhone 4S. The result is far from satisfactory.
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Russian President Grieving For Steve Jobs's departure

Moscow - The expression of grief for the death continue to flow founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev joined mourn the departure of Jobs, who calls the man who changed the world.

"People like Steve Jobs changed our world," writes the official account on Twitter Medvedev as reported by AFP news agency on Thursday (10/06/2011).

"My sincere condolences to the family and all who appreciate the intelligence and talent," added the official Medvedev Medvedev.

Jobs Medvedev has long been admired and often even quoting remarks icon Apple technology in a number of his speech. The Russian leader is known as a loyal Apple fans are often seen carrying iPad when government meetings and press conferences.

Medvedev and Jobs met at Apple headquarters in Silicon Valley, California Medvedev during a state visit to the United States in June 2010. At that time, Jobs gave a gift of a new iPhone for Medvedev.

Jobs died at age 56 after years of battling pancreatic cancer which he suffered. Computer and technology giant Apple announced the death of smartphones Jobs in a statement.

"Intelligence, passion and energy is the source of many innovations that later enrich and raise our standard of living. The world is much better because of Steve," explains Apple.

Jobs announced he was suffering from pancreatic cancer in 2004. During his lifetime, Jobs is known as one of the most prominent business leaders in the world and introduced a generation of iPods and iPhones in the world. His death only a day later after Apple released the new iPhone model, 4S.

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Sleep Hormone Stimulant foods

Drowsiness which make it easier to fall asleep arise because of the hormone melatonin. Besides calming hormone serotonin, which will also help the body more relaxed so that the sleepiness is more easy to come by. If you include people who often fill the night with a variety of snacks, there's nothing wrong with changing your type of snack food that will accelerate. Here are some foods that are recommended Pooja Vig, Nutrition Experts from The Nutrition Clinic.

1. Kiwi Fruit
Melatonin is a hormone that helps you feel relaxed and be fast asleep and Pooja said the kiwi fruit is a natural melatonin amplifier. Eating two kiwi fruit as a snack dinner can be trusted to make you sleep better at night.

2. Meat
Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps the brain to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical that can help you stay calm and relaxed. Good source of serotonin is found in high protein foods such as chicken, fish eggs, and nuts. The highest source of tryptophan in turkey there. This explains why, after a person eats meat always feel sleepy.

3. Milk
If you always feel anxious and difficult to close my eyes drink a glass of warm milk at night. This will help the body more relaxed and sleep will be more soundly. Milk contains tryptophan hormones that can cause drowsiness and help you sleep more soundly.
Source : asiaone

8 Supplements Consumed Frequently Overstated

Some people are taking supplements to meet the daily mineral intake. But note there are eight supplements are often consumed in excess.

The study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition have people who take supplements tend to get more nutrients from food. This shows only a few vitamins and minerals needed people from supplements.

The researchers said that in some cases people who take supplements actually get the minerals that are excessively thereby potentially causing health problems.

Based on this survey in mind there are 8 supplements are often consumed in excess, namely:
1. Calcium
2. Iron
3. Magnesium
4. Zinc
5. Phosphorus
6. Potassium
7. Selenium
8. Copper

"People have to choose what supplements they need and know what the recommended daily intake, so it should not be taken carelessly," said Regan Bailey, a research nutritionist from the National Institutes of Health, as quoted by Reuters on Saturday (10/08/2011 ).

Bailey and colleagues conducted a survey to assess the mineral intake of 8860 men and women participating in government health surveys in 2003 and 2006.

Bailey noted kalisum minerals are often consumed inappropriately, are known to women aged 51-70 years exceeded the limit calcium recommendations.
Yet too many additional kalisum has been associated with risk of kidney stones.

"We hope people who take supplements are the ones who do need, and minerals from food better than through supplements. For that make it a habit to have a healthy diet," says Cheryl Rock, nutrition researcher from the University of California, San Diego .
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Tindakan Rooney Bodoh

London - Wayne Rooney dikartu merah karena pelanggaran tak perlu yang dia lakukan. Karena bisa membahayan Inggris di puataran final tahun depan, aksi Rooney dianggap sebagai tindakan bodoh.

Rooney diusir wasit saat laga masuk menit 73. Sang pengadil langsung memberi pemain depan Manchester United itu kartu merah setelah menendang pemain lawan dari arah belakang.

Inggris kemudian menuntaskan pertandingan dengan skor 2-2, setelah sempat unggul dua gol lebih dulu. Hasil Namun hasil imbang tersebut tetap meloloskan The Three Lions ke putaran final.

Terkait kartu merah tersebut, Rooney dapat kecaman dari Harry Redknapp. Dalam kolomnya di The Sun, pelatih Tottenham Hotspur itu menyebut Rooney membahayakan perjuangan Inggris dalam putaran final tahun depan.

"Sepertinya larangan bertanding dua laga di awal Piala Eropa 2012, itu menjadi pukulan telak buat Inggris. Dia tak bisa dengan seenaknya melakukan hal itu. Kita pikir kita tak akan pernah melihat itu lagi, tapi saya pikir setelah semuanya, dia masih pemarah," tulis Redknapp di The Sun.

Kartu merah langsung yang didapat Rooney akan membuat dia absen di laga pembuka. Di samping itu Redknapp juga mengkritik keputusan Fabio Capello yang tetap memainkan Rooney meski sehari sebelumnya dia dapat kabar buruk soal ayahnya yang ditangkap polisi karena kasus perjudian.

"Itu sepertinya sebuah perjudian di sepanjang pertandingan - tapi apa yang dilakukan Rooney kemudian adalah sesuatu yang bodoh. Saya berpikir betapa dia terlihat matang, dan situasi yang melibatkan ayah dan pamannya (sepertinya) tidak memberi pengaruh karena dia terus melangkah," lanjut dia.

"Rooney adalah pemain yang ganas untuk musuh-musuh Manchester United dan Inggris, tapi tetap ada batasnya. Itu luar biasa mengecewakan. Dia bisa absen di seluruh pertandingan fase grup (Piala Eropa) dan kemarahan bisa merugikan dirinya sendiri dan timnas Inggris," tuntas Redknapp.

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Nutrisi yang Diperlukan Agar Vagina Tetap Sehat

Jakarta, Menjaga kesehatan vagina tidak selalu harus dari luar, karena beberapa makanan yang dikonsumsi juga bisa membantu vagina tetap sehat. Makanan apa saja yang baik untuk vagina?

Vagina merupakan salah satu organ penting yang harus dijaga kesersihan dan kesehatanya, karena bisa mempengaruhi kesehatan menyeluruh khususnya bagian reproduksi.
Beberapa pola makan sederhana bisa membantu menjaga vagina tetap sehat sehingga mencegah infeksi ragi atau infeksi kandung kemih serta menjaga keseimbangan pHnya.

Berikut ini makanan yang baik untuk kesehatan vagina, seperti dikutip dari Livestrong, Jumat (7/10/2011) yaitu:

1. Probiotik
Tubuh bisa menjadi sarang dari berbagai macam bakteri yang baik dan buruk. Probiotik yang dikonsumsi dapat membantu mencegah mikroorganisme buruk seperti jamur dan bakteri Gardnerella yang bisa menyebabkan infeksi vagina.

Probiotik yang mudah ditemukan adalah dalam yogurt atau produk fermentasi susu lainnya, disarankan mengonsumsi secangkir yogurt sehari untuk kesehatan vagina yang optimal.

2. Jus cranberry
Jus ini umumnya digunakan untuk mencegah dan mengobati infeksi salurah kemih (UTI) akibat urine yang asam. Tapi jus ini juga bisa membantu menyeimbangkan kadar pH di seluruh daerah vagina. Mengonsumsi segelas jus cranberry tawar setiap hari adalah cara paling sederhana dalam menjaga pH vagina agar seimbang.

3. Vitamin E dan C
Vitamin E diketahui bisa membantu menjaga kondisi kulit secara umum, tapi ternyata juga mencegah kekeringan vagina. Makanan yang kaya vitamin E seperti gandum, biji bunga matahari, almond, walnut dna hazelnut.

Sedangkan vitamin C baik untuk menguatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh sehingga mencegah infeksi, sumbernya dari jeruk, stroberi, kiwi, paprika hijau dan merah serta brokoli.

Meski begitu ada pula makanan yang sebaiknya dihindari atau dibatasi seperti konsumsi alkohol berlebih, kadar gula tinggi, hal ini karena makanan tersebut bisa memberikan lingkungan yang dibutuhkan bagi mikroorganisme seperti Candida untuk berkembang biak.

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Sekilas Mengenai Transplantasi Organ Secara Medis

Transplantasi organ merupakan suatu tindakan medis memindahkan sebagian tubuh atau organ yang sehat untuk menggantikan fungsi organ sejenis yang tidak dapat berfungsi lagi. Transplantasi dapat dilakukan pada diri orang yang sama (auto transplantasi), pada orang yang berbeda (homotransplantasi) ataupun antar spesies yang berbeda (xeno-transplantasi). Transplantasi organ biasanya dilakukan pada stadium terminal suatu penyakit, dimana organ yang ada tidak dapat lagi menanggung beban karena fungsinya yang nyaris hilang karena suatu penyakit. Pasal 33 UU No 23/1992 menyatakan bahwa transplantasi merupakan salah satu pengobatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk penyembuhan penyakit dan pemulihan kesehatan. Secara legal transplantasi hanya boleh dilakukan untuk tujuan kemanusiaan dan tidak boleh dilakukan untuk tujuan komersial (pasal 33 ayat 2 UU 23/ 1992).

Transplantasi organ di Indonesia banyak pada pasien-pasien gagal ginjal terminal. Pada saat ini jumlah pasien gagal ginjal yang membutuhkan transplantasi ginjal di Indonesia mencapai 40.000 orang. Pasien gagal ginjal yang menjalani perawatan medis sangat sedikit karena biaya perawatan yang mahal dan jangka panjang.
Sampai saat ini, hanya 500 pasien yang telah menjalani cangkok ginjal di Indonesia. Donor ginjal di Indonesia semuanya adalah donor hidup dan jumlahnya amat sedikit dibandingkan kebutuhan. Sebagian besar pasien lain ternyata menjalani cangkok ginjal di Cina, karena jumlah donor yang banyak dan biayanya yang relatif murah. Dengan melakukan transplantasi ginjal, menurut data Transplant Center Directory sedunia tahun 1992, lama perpanjangan hidup pasien yang menjalani transplantasi ginjal mencapai 29,9 tahun.

Terdapat peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia yang membahas mengenai legalitas dari transplantasi organ, seperti UU No 23/1992 tentang kesehatan dan PP No. 18/1981 mengenai bedah mayat klinis dan bedah mayat anatomis serta transplantasi organ, Pasal UU No 23/1992 mengenai transplantasi sebagai sarana pengobatan, Pasal 33 ayat 2 UU No. 23/1992 transplantasi untuk tujuan kemanusiaan, pasal 34 ayat 1 Uu No. 23/1992 transplantasi yang hanya boleh dilakukan tenaga kesehatan, Pasal 11 ayat 1 PP 18/1981 mengenai tenaga dokter untuk transplantasi, pasal 15 ayat 1 PP18/1981 persetujuan dari donor dan ahli waris, pasal 16 PP 18/1981 mengenai donor dilarang menerima imbalan material dalam bentuk apapun dan lain lain. Dengan peraturan perundangan ini maka diharapkan bahwa tidak ada penyalahgunaan organ dalam praktek transplantasi organ dalam masyarakat Indonesia, yang bisa merugikan kedua belah pihak baik itu pendonor maupan sang penerima donor.

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